Wednesday, June 26, 2013

48 ساعة في حضرة الاشتباك

(حبر على ورق ink on paper)

في شباب السفير
الاربعاء 26-062013
In Shabab Assafir
Wednesday 26-06-2013

48 Hours of Armed Clashes

(right to left reading order)

- Armed Clashes : Day time
According to the weather application on my mobile phone, the weather in Saida is mostly clear.

- Are you OK?.. Take care.. Come to our house in case you need it .. May God protect you all... Don't go out on the balcony!..Don't leave the house!..Come online.

- A chat message from a friend in Tripoli : "I'm going out for a glass of fresh orange juice. I'm not leaving this great weather for the snipers to enjoy on their own!"
My  friend gets ready to go out. And that's as far as he could get.

- Armed Clashes: Night time
According to the weather application on my mobile phone, the weather in Saida is partly cloudy.

- On the phone screen; a message from a friend in London says that imagination is the answer: 
"Use your imagination. Those sounds are the sounds of fireworks celebrating World Peace day!"
The trick works for two minutes. I decide to outsmart the clashes by making a lullaby out of their rhythmic pattern;
One.. two..thr...
The sound of a bomb shakes the bulding. And then..

- The light of the full moon comes through the window. 
Perhaps war is a werewolf awakened on a full moon night.

1 comment:

قمر عمري Amar Omri said...

أحلى شي قرأته لحدّ هلّق عن اللي صار وأرقى شي. عوّضني عن سلسلة من الأحاديث الفارغة والساذجة والنقّ( (حتى ما قول غير شي)... بحبّ خيالك أمّوووول